The key πŸ—οΈ to communication

You were born with 2 ears and one mouth - the simplest explanation is that you should listen twice as much as you speak. When we think of communication often we get so caught up in what we have to say, how to say it, and did the person we're speaking with even understand us?! Have you ever found yourself tuning out what someone is saying just to prepare your response?! This is the common pitfall in communication. Remember to listen first. You can always take a moment or a few breaths to authentically conjure up your response later. People want to feel heard and understood. Truthfully isn’t that what you want as well? With that in mind I challenge you to be mindful in your next conversation, approach it with full listening capacity and if you find your mind straying just gently bring your attention back to who is speaking. Listen first, and your communication effectiveness will surely enhance.

Listen, more than you speak!

Pictured to the left is an adorable Kudu.


Time is a sacred resource ⏰